Prophetic Word from God given to Dominic Sola Sept. 21st 2019 6:00AM
Christ Intervention Ministries

The church is in the midst of a rude awakening as we are witnessing the foolishness of man being revealed! The curtain has been thrust open and we now know the evil that lays behind it! The wise Virgins of the Bible are taking their position while the religious are still carrying on church like nothing is happening; the blind leading the blind! A great separation is taking place in religion and in worldly governments, while the true church is preparing herself and is warning the world as I write this. The people are like the people in Jeremiah's day and are ignoring the words coming from the Throne Room of God! They are trying to imprison the Clarion voice that is coming from Heaven!

Man has turned on man, Nation against Nation, Ideology against Ideology, where nothing can be resolved or accomplished! They are building another Tower of Babel, replacing God with government and punishing those who will not fall at the feet of the Globalists, the New World Order! I have had visions of an angel with the sickle in his hand in Heaven ready to divide between the wheat and the chaff! I keep seeing the Finger of God moving on the earth as if He was drawing new rivers.

The number 444 (meaning angelic communications) is everywhere I look and on Sept 11th 2019, two new angels came and stood by me in our kitchen nook and there was a downloading from Heaven into my very being that increased my spiritual insight and gifts from Holy Spirit. These downloadings caused within me true disdain for the foolishness of man and a profound reverence for the things of God! The visitation was so powerful that I asked God not to take me home, but that I remain here and take care of my wife, Nomi, and our fur baby Zoomie while declaring the Word of the Lord!

I now see the governments of the World for exactly what they are, Babylonian rulers aligning everything for the false prophet and the anti-Christ to take the stage! I am watching the lukewarm church which has been nudged for years take her position for the New World Religion! The strange thing is that my eyes have turned to grandma in her prayer closet, and to the street prophet that is yelling repentance! Sometimes it feels like I'm standing outside the Earth watching a big soap opera which is all an illusion to keep the Babylonian slaves happy and to stop the rebellion of the slaves! The Antifas of the World are nothing more than a false rebellion to stop the real rebellion of God's people! Moses is here to lead the rebellion, but again the slaves want to pick a new leader and go back to Egypt!

I am witnessing fear as the controlling emotion, and entertainment as the controlling spirit of people's time on the earth, in order for the slave masters to keep control! Mankind has become dissatisfied with bread crumbs, but is too afraid to lose their goodies to rebel, so mankind buries himself in a fantasy world of entertainment! The church says don't worry God is control, and the hyper spiritual people are standing on the edge of a lake waiting to walk on water, while others have given up and are voting for the government to be their God! What a mess!

A great awakening is upon us and the World's masters know this and are preparing extreme events to cause chaos in the world! They are planning slowly to shut off our supply lines until we beg them to deliver us from reality and return us to our delusional world of slavery, where we think we are free and in control! This will usher in a worldly government dispensing hallucinatory drugs so that mankind can escape reality and return to being zombies and working to serve their masters until the replacement of man is built, robots!

In the midst of this will be the Daniels who refuse to compromise and will bow down at the Window of Heaven and cry out to God for His people and then the lion's mouths will be shut! Like Jeremiah, who was carried off by the people to Egypt. we might never see our Jerusalem again this side of the Great Tribulation, but as Isaiah said, “we will be a sign and a wonder to the people”!

The emotional bonding between Christians will be like David and Jonathan and out of these relationships will come new Christian leaders, not from the old lineage, and they will take their positions while being attacked by the religious of our day! We will hide in caves for a season and make raids on the World with the Truth and then flee back to our caves. Like Enoch, our caves will be a place to commune with God, and outside the cave will be the rebellious people where fallen angels rule! Like King David the Prophet Samuel's prophetic word kept David going and so will the Word of God, the promise of victory, keep the Bride of Christ running the race! We know we will be rulers of Nations in the millennium if we are people with no compromise as was Daniel who knelt at the window and prayed!

The Brightness of the Bride of Christ will be an irritant in the eyes of the Babylonians and the Babylonians will do everything possible to put out the Light by having us, the Bride of Christ agree with things that contradict God's Word and bring us into compromise! Only those without compromise can face the fiery pits and have the fragrance of Heaven on them and not the stench of fire!

The Church awakening will bring many to their knees in repentance while others, those prideful ones will bring themselves into judgment. This new era is bringing the Bride forth without spot or wrinkle, while the lukewarm will be spit out of the mouth of God!

My Dear Fellow Saints, God is preparing your hearts for all of this and your rewards are in the millennium to come! Do not grow weary of doing good, for when we awake in our new positions with Jesus, there will be great Joy and a Glory unspeakable as we work with Jesus to establish His Kingdom on Earth and usher in the new babies born after the Great Tribulation, as we wait for the judgment of all evil!

God bless you all our fellow Warriors, and do not be afraid of change for change is good and is the door to victory! With all my love, Dominic Sola. God Bless!

Prophetic Word from God given to Dominic Sola Sept. 21st 2019 6:00AM

Written To CIM Or
Christ Intervention Ministries
C/O Dominic & Nomi Sola
P. O. Box 664
Tarpon Springs, FL 34688


